
Your PPCV Membership

As you know PPCV is a forum providing information, advice and support, to parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities from 0 โ€“ 25, ensuring your voice is heard through parent carer participation.

We are refreshing the way in which we are working with you and for you. You'll now receive a membership number and an online account to manage your membership with us.

You will need this number to access the SEND and Celebration Conference and virtual workshops. You will also need it going forward, as we introduce our new Sensory Library and many of our future activities and events including coffee and cake sessions and our chat rooms on Facebook.

Within your new account you'll be able to:

  • Change/update your personal details
  • Complete surveys and polls
  • Subscribe to newsletters and subscription emails
  • Register and view upcoming events
  • Receive emails tailed to your child/children's needs